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Messages in topic: lots of problems
Premium User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 2/7/02
Posted: 6/11/24, 12:12 PM

first, i tried to upgrade my account to premium. the paypal thing is completely broken. when i enter the paypal credentials it shows me a preapproval amount of NaN and the frequency is some other error string.

i tried the credit card route and it showed a green checkbox like it accepted the info but my account doesn't show as premium. i didn't get any notifications from the bank so i don't think that the payment was accepted.

i downloaded magelosync and started it. i gave it my magelo id and password and it says it's looking for my character and if it doesn't show up in a few seconds, to report it on the support forum. so that's why i'm here.

one more thing i noticed while i was trying to get this to work. when i start magelosync, it says eqgame.exe has been patched and that magelo will be updated to work with this version. but it's 6/11, long after the last patch that i kjnow of. i stopped all my eqgames and started one over. it didn't download anything new,

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/13/24, 11:10 PM

Hi Bing,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to leave this feedback given your poor impression of Magelo so far...
  1. Paypal integration should be working but i might have pushed live something recently by accident that broke it, but at the same time, i have seen some payments going through as well.. I will double check and the integration will receive an upgrade soon in any case.
  2. Stripe should be working, first time I hear that this did not work out. I don't see any trace of an attempted payment with Stripe under your account surprisingly though which is weird...
  3. Magelo Sync should totally be working, i double check when I saw your message and I could sync my characters just fine.. If you are getting the dialog that the game has been patched it means that you either have an old version of the game somehow (any chance you bypassed the game patcher ?) or that you don't have the latest version of the EQ Module that Magelo Sync uses which is doubtful. The Magelo Sync log should help us in that regard.

To thank you for this very helpful feedback and apologize for the trouble you had to go through, I have granted you the premium status for 3 months.