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> > > HP and AC are way off .. 327hp and 111ac .. ideas ?

Messages in topic: HP and AC are way off .. 327hp and 111ac .. ideas ?
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 8/4/07
Posted: 1/26/08, 2:41 AM

It seems like SoF broke some things? These values used to be dead on.

Displayed HP/AC at the time the Magelo snap was taken = 14024hp 2345ac ... Tribute was Off, of course. I was ungrouped, so it wasn't someone's Leadership AA.

Greym Greymantle
Premium User

Nbr post: 140
Register: 7/22/02
Posted: 2/13/08, 1:04 PM

Magelo report your unbuffed stats. Did you have buffs and or aura's on at the time?

Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 8/4/07
Posted: 2/13/08, 8:30 PM

Wow! I didn't expect any replies, since a month had passed. No, of course I had no buffs and Tribute was off, as I had indicated, and I was not grouped with anyone who had Leadership HP bonuses.

Magelo is still Wayyyy Off with the latest snapshot tho.

Actual HP 14,432...................Magelo 14,218
AC 2501.................................2374
End 11995................................11995 <- Correct YAY
ATK 2038..................................2043
Registered User

Nbr post: 11
Register: 5/9/02
Posted: 2/16/08, 6:25 AM

hi, I have the same problem my HP and mana are way out too. Any suggestions? It is almost like it isnt including the effect the heroic stats have on HP/Mana although my int/sta stats have gone up appropriately.

Registered User

Nbr post: 45
Register: 3/16/05
Posted: 2/16/08, 7:26 AM

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