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Messages in topic: Start cancelling accounts and charging back
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/6/08
Posted: 3/26/08, 6:09 PM


This is absolutely the worst customer service i have ever seen in a product. Folks, the only way to make them notice us is to start cancelling subscriptions and charging back this company. They have little or no customer service.


If nothing has changed or this issue has been resolved by midnight tonight, I will be charging back my account and I URGE all of you to do the same.
Registered User

Nbr post: 36
Register: 1/22/04
Posted: 3/26/08, 7:22 PM

Just because you are upset with the service doesn't give you the right to spam the message boards. I'd suggest you post your opinion once and leave it that way.

Cerrena Sweetbuns - Halfling Warrior-Baker
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 2/14/02
Posted: 3/26/08, 8:18 PM

Magelo has never been a stable product, was it when you sub'd?

Fact is it is by far the best service out there for EQ Profiles, regardless if it is down as often as it is. There is CS here, if you want to see no CS move over to EQ Players. I haven't been able to update my EQ Players profile in over 4 months, magelo I update about 1x every 2 weeks...I don't see the issue.

For $2.50 a month what kind of service are you expecting exactly?
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/6/08
Posted: 3/26/08, 11:54 PM

It is people like you 2 that let these companies get away with this customer no-service. I have been a paying member (total of $50) for 5 days now and been able to use this product less than 5 hours. Ya, I have no right to complain. GImme a break.
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 2/15/05
Posted: 3/27/08, 12:55 AM

Patience grasshopper - it's the best thing going by far.
Registered User

Nbr post: 70
Register: 4/9/02
Posted: 3/27/08, 2:38 AM

Ive been a paying customer since... Magelo went premium. I have no problems waiting for them to fix it. Its been up far far more than it has been down. Their responsiveness is usually quite prompt. And the only other option is EQPlayers which SOE cant figure out how to fix themselves. Their's has been broken so long that broken has become their standard.

Im sorry you picked the last 5 days to be a paying customer, because Im sure it looks as if you've just wasted those 5 days - but the rest of us have been around a lot longer than that and so the balance of up vs down is more than adequate.

Might want to look at it from that approach. Your timing sucked at the moment is all.

Registered User

Nbr post: 15
Register: 9/11/02
Posted: 4/2/08, 6:07 PM

Premium User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/6/08 Posted: 3/26/08 10:54 PM


It is people like you 2 that let these companies get away with this customer no-service. I have been a paying member (total of $50) for 5 days now and been able to use this product less than 5 hours. Ya, I have no right to complain. GImme a break.

Whiney crybaby, get lost. Im sure they can do without your one account. This service is run by people who care what they do. I guess your also a whiney crybaby when Sony patches the game. Think about it this way, these guys dont get any notice or support from Sony when they patch the game, they have to figure it out all by themselves, so it takes them a couple days to catch up. Take a breather, give em a week and all will be right with the world. They have to redo the service everytime the game is patched.
