Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 4/24/08, 3:53 PM
- Reduced experience requirements and increased bane damage on SoF evolving bane weapons.
- Several speed and stability changes have been made to address issues with proximity loading.
- Critical heals should be calculating their effectiveness correctly again.
- Fixed a problem that was not allowing players over level 62 access to Bastion of Thunder and the Halls of Honor on the progression server.
- The Guardian Expediators are no longer so fragile (they are no longer temporary items).
- Added bard mods to the melee centric slot 12 augments.
- Reduced experience requirements and increased bane damage on SoF evolving bane weapons.
- Changed Intricate Snowborn armor to use malleable ore as it should.
- Spells should once again display their cast messages when they land.
- Critical heals should be calculating their effectiveness correctly again.
- If the Summon Resupply Agent AA fails to cast, the refresh timer will reset itself.
- AAs that reduce spell recast timers (Such as Fortified Intervention and Fortified Survival) should now properly reduce their timers.
- AA experience should now be split properly again.
- Leadership AAs should work more reliably with mobs that come from outside of the group's awareness range.
- Several speed and stability changes have been made to address issues with proximity loading.
- The client will now load more information upon initial zone-in to make later movement smoother. There will be a performance hit when first zoning in, however.
- The tracking window updates have been optimized and should be somewhat faster now.
- Fixed issues where /guildstatus and /guildinvite were not working on players outside of proximity range.
- The corpses of group members who die outside of proximity range should once again be targetable by clicking their name and should show on the map.
- Fixed several issues with the /hidecorpse command:
- - You can now hide corpses after being resurrected from hover mode.
- - Corpses of group members not in zone will no longer be hidden with /hidecorpse allbutgroup.
- - /hidecorpse looted will not hide your own corpse.
- The /who guild command should now return players in the zone who are in /roleplay mode.
- The /who count command will again work for all players in the zone.
- Using the center view key after moving downward on a mount will no longer cause your view angle and movement angle to be out of sync.
- Right clicking a player's name in the bazaar window will again face you towards them and generate a path.
- Due to issues with NPCs summoning players below the world, NPCs will once again summon to their exact position. The change will be returned once the issues are resolved.
- Fixed a problem that was not allowing players over level 62 access to Bastion of Thunder and the Halls of Honor on the progression server.
- Fixed a problem with access to Theatre of Blood. You should now be able to enter Theatre of Blood at level 68.
- As of 4/16/2008, enemies will forget about feigned players after one minute rather than two.
- The EverQuest Team

Registered User
Nbr post: 15
Register: 12/17/05
Posted: 4/26/08, 8:16 PM
Any word on when patch will be completed for the 24 apr patch?

Nashm ~ Officer of <Dissention>, 7th Hammer
Missa ~ Officer of <Dissention>, 7th Hammer
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