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Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/25/08
Posted: 5/25/08, 5:28 AM
Hi guys! Has anyone seen the new Indiana Jones movie? Is it worth watching or do I just wait for the DVD?
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 5/25/08, 1:16 PM
Wait for the DVD for sure... I was disappointed by the story. Harrison Ford is great but there is no comparison with the previous episodes...
You will see!
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Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/25/08
Posted: 5/25/08, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the heads up! DVD it is!
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Register: 6/4/07
Posted: 5/26/08, 1:39 AM
I took my kids to it they loved it, but then again they didn't have a chance to see the first in the theaters. I found the moive good but not $10 worth,, hehe
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Register: 6/21/08
Posted: 6/22/08, 9:22 AM
I would pay 100£ to erase the memory of ever watching this, truly horrible, movie... No Joke.
Nbr post: 1664
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 6/23/08, 8:07 PM
I heard it was worse than Spiderman 3.. which made me not go to the theater to watch it.
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
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Posted: 7/17/08, 1:25 PM
I liked the movie, I bet I know why people didnt like it but I wont spoil that here.
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Register: 9/7/08
Posted: 9/13/08, 10:34 PM
this was not a very good ending to this set of movies. this movie in and of its self was ok, but not as part of the whole indy series
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Register: 10/1/08
Posted: 10/8/08, 10:44 AM
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Register: 12/11/08
Posted: 1/3/09, 8:05 AM
this movie is a steaming pile of poop. i`m not worried about the 10 dollars that i spent but i do want the couple of hours of my life back that i wasted watching it. i give it -2 stars .. real bad imo