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Messages in topic: May 22 Patch Issue
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/23/08
Posted: 5/25/08, 5:08 PM

How come I keep getting that Magelo needs to update EQ before I can use the premium account? It is now May 25th and I still can't get the update. I am paying for this for nothing. Can someone please help me? Already sent an email to Magelo, 2 days ago, with no response yet.
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 5/25/08, 11:18 PM

Magelo hasnt been patched yet. Unfortunately SOE doesnt send Magelo crew the specifics of patches, so Magelo has to figure it out on their own, which can take several days easy. Sit tight, it will be back up. You can manually add items in the meantime.

Nbr post: 324
Register: 11/3/02
Posted: 5/26/08, 6:54 AM

Seems to be a running trend that Premium Users don't realize the complexities of the game changes. As much as anyone, I'd LOVE to have to have Magelo Update automatically syn with a new patch, but that's a little unrealistic.

2-5 days is usually plenty of time to get the Update patched. Just give it a little time.

EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Necrotalk Admin
EQ Traders Super Moderator
Registered User

Nbr post: 19
Register: 8/18/02
Posted: 5/26/08, 2:49 PM

I think the problem is, years ago magelo used to be patched normally with in the same day/next day as everquest. As much as it does take some time, the games bigger, its more complex whatever the reason i dont know. although its not the case in this thread.. yet, looking down the threads, last time someone mentioned the patch times, he was flamed no end. Like me he made the mistake of resubscribing on EQ patch day and wanted to synq his chars, surely people can understand some people are a little impatient, just like some of us understand, programming is something that takes alot of skill and patience, and very difficult, ive done programming at college and couldnt get my head round it at all because i hated every second of it because its so hard, so envy people that can, but people that have never tried it, maybe dont quite understand the complexity of it. Some of my chars havent been synqued for years and coming back im itching to see, what spells are missing, whats skills they have and what havent, what all the tat in the various banks can be used for etc. yes we can do it manually, but some of us pay for this because we cant being doing with manually searching through 16 chars and also looking and researching everything.

maybe a little sticky by the admin, explaining that this is very difficult, it does take time, the game has changed or whatever makes it take longer, so therefore takes longer to patch then it used to. maybe people would be a little more patient. but if they are not understand why they are not. if you baught a dvd player and you couldnt get it to work for 4/5 however many days, you would be a little miffed to.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 5/26/08, 5:51 PM

A few years ago the system had to be changed since SOE had changed the database around and the item database at magelo was at risk of being corrupted and then would have to be rolled back. Since then, they have always re-evaluated Magelo update on every patch to make sure this wouldn't happen and make changes if they were needed.

So, unless something has changed, we have to wait until a manual verification is done and a new Magelo update is pushed out.

It does bring to mind how much work it will be to administer the updates for multiple games when (if) those get implemented.

On another note, it might work if they could allow some type of 'safe' mode that wouldn't sync your items to the database, but would sync your character and allow it to be ranked, etc. This they could always enable a 'safe' mode and when the patch has been verified or updated, they could enable 'full' mode. This could be done automatically when you run Magelo Update.

Of course, there will be times where it will mess up the items on your profile or not work at all, but many many patches lately are minor or stability improvements and don't change how items work or add new stat types (like heroic).

It could be a way to keep people happy, especially when Jelan has a personal emergency, etc. I'm not sure if anyone else is working on this atm.

Moklianne -Magelo
Premium User

Nbr post: 20
Register: 10/16/02
Posted: 5/26/08, 8:58 PM

Its been 4 days now for a program I pay a premium for to work.. when will they refund us the extended downtime.. hrrrm

Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 8/17/07
Posted: 5/27/08, 6:03 AM

Patience is a virtue... if you need it so desperately, I suggest donating to the developers of Magelo. In the meanwhile, be patient and thankful that they work on a fix!
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 8/17/07
Posted: 5/27/08, 6:04 AM

Oh, Ioldari8, are you the Ioldari from Antonius?
Registered User

Nbr post: 19
Register: 8/18/02
Posted: 5/27/08, 10:25 AM

yes i am and you? and we do donate, i donated $25 last thurdays
Registered User

Nbr post: 19
Register: 8/18/02
Posted: 5/27/08, 10:28 AM

although havent been there for a long time, i changed back to luclin not long after the server merge, so if its a current ioldari on antonious its not me.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 1/6/07
Posted: 5/27/08, 4:37 PM

day #5 ... wru Love?

Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 11/13/02
Posted: 5/27/08, 6:24 PM

I have to say that this latest downtime, patch was last Thursday 22 May and today is Tuesday 27 May, five days seems terribly excessive. I had a hard time swallowing the rate adjustment that doubled the fee to use this service, and my account will be coming due in the near future. Given the length and increasing frequency of down times, I have great hesitation to re-up for a Premium account that, by my measure, is not giving me Premium service. I don't post this a criticism, but I am hopeful that it might serve as a means by which Customer Service can evaluate client needs and provide better performance to its ongoing base of subscribers.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 5/9/08
Posted: 5/27/08, 10:14 PM

Its pretty obvious the timing of the launch of the wow magelo is keeping them from attending to their longer standing customers.

One might like to point out to them that they have their bread buttered, now, someplace other than wow - regardless of how many dollar signs they think they will get from catering to the wowbies.

Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 5/28/08, 1:32 AM

Sigh. Good luck with WoW. Gotta go with the money right? Dont blame ya.

I'll check back in a year & see if Heroic stats are actually working.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 1/25/04
Posted: 5/28/08, 1:38 PM

Posted on patch day by Inoke

Messages in topic: 22 May 2008 Everquest has been patched

Nbr post: 314
Register: 1/27/04 Posted: 5/22/08 4:33 PM


The Everquest game client is being patched today. As always the Magelo team will get the updater running ASAP.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

80 Cleric of Lunacy Unbound
The Seventh Hammer

The odd thing is that no admin update has been posted in six days, usually Jelan will stop in and say "we havnt forgotten were working on it, hold tite". In customer service you often dont have to have the same top priority as your customer, as long as you make them feel as though they ARE your top priority