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Register: 12/15/07
Posted: 6/5/08, 10:51 PM
I have been looking thru the list of posts. I have already posted about my issue with multiple accounts on the same computer on another post.
I have just noticed that when I do sync my toons, most things get update. However, I noticed that my change of guild tag has not been reflected in the updates on the site even though the Sync client shows that I am in a new guild.
Edit: also just noticed that it isn't updating my level but it is updating my AAs!
Registered User
Nbr post: 28
Register: 11/12/01
Posted: 6/6/08, 12:42 PM
have the same problem, its updating everything but lvl and guild
[eq_profile=30375]Veteran Feggan Maximus
Tide Deceiver/eq_profile
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 2/26/02
Posted: 6/7/08, 4:29 AM
Same...not updating level.
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 3/25/08
Posted: 6/7/08, 12:52 PM
Same here, it is not updating my level.
Registered User
Nbr post: 2
Register: 6/23/05
Posted: 6/7/08, 1:23 PM
Same here, not updating lvls or spells
Registered User
Nbr post: 4
Register: 5/27/03
Posted: 6/7/08, 2:46 PM
More of the same. . . Sync reports updated but level and spells aren't. Does this program ever work right? I don't use it often but just about any time I decide to update its either down because of a patch several days after patch day or bugged. I don't think Ill be resubscribing to my premium membership.
Roanne LeFaye
Barbarbarian Warrior of the Tribunal
Outsider Domination
The Seventh Hammer
Nbr post: 282
Register: 1/26/04