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> > > how do i put a aug in a item

Messages in topic: how do i put a aug in a item
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 3/22/04
Posted: 11/8/06, 12:08 PM

with new magelo i can not find how to do it ,,plz help

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/8/06, 1:40 PM

Which browser are you using ? It should be dead simple, click the item you wish to augment, an augment box appear, enter partial name in the augment slot you are interested, click go, click the desired augment and voila.
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 1/13/02
Posted: 11/8/06, 6:29 PM

when you say browser i assume you mean web browser and i use firefox and i dont see anyway to put augments on either. do you have to be a premium member?
Dyfrin Deathseeker
Registered User

Nbr post: 91
Register: 10/31/01
Posted: 11/8/06, 6:33 PM

Click your character, you will see inventory is already highlighted in the tabs, you will see Main in blue.
Click it.
You will see items now, and when you click on an item, 2 boxes appear ont he right, top is item, bottom is aug. Change it and save.

Half-Elf Lyricist

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/8/06, 6:43 PM

Which version of Firefox ? If FF 1.0.x, upgrade to FF 1.5 or even better 2.0
Mayera Silverwinds
Registered User

Nbr post: 90
Register: 10/6/02
Posted: 11/9/06, 6:51 AM

I mentioned this elswhere, so please forgive the crosspost. I'm not sure if this is the issue the OP is having, but the problem I'm having with augs is the search function to pull up the right augment won't work. I use both IE7 and FF2 along with JRE 5.0 Rel 9, and have the same issue in each browser. If I enter Shiny Purple Gem of Deftness I should only get one result. However, it comes up and says "Items list (max 50 results)" and then "System Error".

Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 11/26/01
Posted: 11/9/06, 2:56 PM

I have Netscape 7.2 and there is no place that says 'aug' or anything like that where I can put my augs in items. Please help.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 11/26/01
Posted: 11/10/06, 4:05 AM


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/10/06, 11:30 AM

Hello Netscape 7.2 is very old, if you want to stick with Netscape, upgrade to 8.1.X otherwise, try Firefox 2.0.
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/8/04
Posted: 11/21/06, 8:37 AM

I'm running Netscape 8.1 and still see no aug slot?
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 9/30/01
Posted: 12/9/06, 8:07 AM

It pisses me off that you tell people what browser to use rather then fix your coding to make it work with most of the common browsers, especially to neglect IE that is the most commonly used, even if its crap.

I have tried lots of browsers and i dont get to choose augments for my profiles. i do use magelo update for my main, but since i cannot make alt profiles i ge to create new chars and then kit em out. i actually liked the old magelo far better in terms of usability, not saying you should go back to that one, but try make the new one with all the same options that the old had. on top of all the new stuff that the new one have, but for gods sake, make it less buggy.
Registered User

Nbr post: 92
Register: 3/8/05
Posted: 12/9/06, 9:39 AM

I use IE and have no problems getting to any part of the megelo website so unsure why your's isn't working correctly

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/9/06, 9:42 AM

It pisses me off that you tell people what browser to use rather then fix your coding to make it work with most of the common browsers, especially to neglect IE that is the most commonly used, even if its crap

Just to clarify, we are developping with Firefox and then we are testing everything on IE which should cover most of our users. Opera is left behind in this regards but most of the time it just works fine and if not, as soon as a user reports an Opera bug, we will try to address it asap unless it's an obvious Opera bug we can't do anything about it.

Now comes discontinued product like Netscape, this is an entirely different issue, there is nothing we can do, it's their product which is broken not ours and since it's a discontinued product, we believe it's a good move to advise people to move on and choose a different one.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 12/9/06, 11:12 AM

Software - and that includes internet browsers - gets updated regularly. Sticking with old, outdated software (Netscape, in this case) will get you running into more and more incompatibility issues as time passes, with more and more websites. Upgrading and updating your software in a general sense is highly advisable, if you want to keep a smoothly functioning computer.
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 1/13/02
Posted: 12/22/06, 7:27 AM

i updated to Firefox 2.0 and was doing fine and able to augment, now, within the last week i am unable to augment again? i click on the slot, get the 2 boxes, find the augment i want and when i click the augment it open up to another tab showing item stats instead of augmenting it and if you try to drag it to slot it just gives you string of which does nothing also, any ideals?