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Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 11/17/08, 11:40 AM

FACT. Magelo is off. My in game stats are what they are. You can say all you want about how the Devs and SoE screwed up with their intended boosts, but that doesn't change the FACT that Magelo is not accruate according to what I see when playing game.
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 11/18/08, 4:04 AM

I've let my Magelo subscription lapse until they get the HME correct. Other then that, good job really.

EQ/Magelo Comparison

: HP :
  • EQ - 24775
  • Magelo - 20322

: Mana :
  • EQ - 26313
  • Magelo - 21711

: AC :
  • EQ - 3772
  • Magelo - 3740

These are unbuffed, no tribute, Energeian equipped comparisons. You have to take into consideration the "extra" HME we got for 81-85 from SOE though(not sure what lvl 83 gives in extra HME).

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/18/08, 6:01 AM

I want to address this asap but right now because of the ingame bug with HP and Mana, there is not much I can do...

Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 11/18/08, 3:39 PM

And SOE has not given any eta on when they are going to 'fix' the HP/Mana bug or how drastically they are going to change it.

They have only said that they meant to give a small bump in HP/Mana but they don't know where the calculations went wrong.

Registered User

Nbr post: 26
Register: 10/27/01
Posted: 11/30/08, 10:18 AM

Did i miss something? Last time i tried EQPlayers the moment i clicked on anything it say "Oh you want to see that? It will cost just xyz dollar". EQPlayers is a ripoff imho.
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 12/1/08, 1:13 AM

Yeah, EQP sucks as well. And?...

Magelo HEM/AC has been off(by alot for some people) for a year since Heroics was introduced to EQ.

A year that they have asked us to give them our stats so they can "fix" it. I guess fixing it means adding BS fluff instead of getting the stats even remotely close.

Great job.

At least you got your WoW subscriptions though, right?

But dont worry, once the bonus HEM we got for the last month(that is being used to "blame" as the reason Magelo is so off on stats for a year now) is fixed by SOE, the Magelo team will "start" on figuring out the Heroics problem.
Registered User

Nbr post: 17
Register: 2/27/02
Posted: 12/9/08, 11:40 PM

I think Magelo is doing a fantastic job. Is it perfect? No. But neither is EQplayers and soe has the coding for it. I'd rather pay for Magelo than give SOE anymore of my money. Besides which, the real bargain is still here with Magelo. You get much much more than a "profile" with a premium account. The search tools are fantastic with all the customizable options and worth the cost just for that on its own.

Also, remember too that magelo profiles can be seen by everyone if you choose and no one has to "pay" to see your profile. Not so with EQplayers. If you don't pay for it you can't see everything on someone's profile like you can with Magelo.

Great job Magelo folks.. keep up the good work. I'm sure you will be able to identity and fix the problems with our hps etc. as soon as you can.

Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 12/10/08, 4:36 AM

AMEN Fractal. I have been saying this until I am blue in the face. I am surprised that peeps put up with this garbage. I joined a long time ago, and quit because of their untimely updates and their inaccurrate stats.

GET IT MAGELO....not everyone thinks you guys are getting it.

Sure, you have a base now, but later...you may be asking yourself, why did we lose everyone.

My 2cp worth again.
Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 12/10/08, 4:38 AM

Well, you couldn't have said it better...sort of – CeeNedra. Which is worse.

Not exactly a compliment in my eyes.
Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 12/10/08, 4:51 AM

Jelan. You should have nothing to address. What you should do is report what the in-game stats reflect.

My stats are the same now (after patch) as they were when I complained a while back. I don't see how you can post something that is contrary to what is being shown in-game. It's wrong and inaccurate. When the fix is made (as it appears to be now) then you report the new stats. We don't pay for Magelo's conjecture as to what they think the stats should be. We pay to show exactly what are games stats actually are at the time we sync.

I guess I am in the minority on this issue, but I swear, I would go to another site if it were possible...but the majority seem to be pleased with this mediocrity.

I pay SOE too, but when I have a problem, they at least try to respond. I personally think your Devs should take over EQ....then I wouldn't have anything to complain about, because apparently you know more then they do.

With that said, I guess you get what you pay for.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 12/10/08, 4:57 AM

Thanks for your input, everyone. We're really working hard on it - even with the minimal information available to us (since we obviously won't have access to the specific formulae SOE uses for stats).

With the 09 Dec 08 updates to the game, which claims to have fixed the HP/Mana bug, we should be getting values close to their actual ones. The stuff they do to Heroic stats are more subtle as the modifications to each stat are very much inter-related and complex, which is why we're still having issues with it - this isn't merely an excuse but an explanation as to why we're still having issues with them. With new ranks to AAs, levels and Hstats, the level of complexity rises exponentially - we try to keep up as much as possible.

You're of course entitled to your opinions, and the more the better - we're not going to ignore your presence - but things take time to happen. We're on our way to correcting the most pressing issues perceived now with the coming patch. In the meantime, we would like to thank you for all the effort to help us improve and for your patience in putting up with the flaws.
Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 12/10/08, 5:14 AM

Erycil. Thank you very much for a reply. I know it wasn't to me, as I have been a bit out of line, but have been so becuase I was cost in game with an opportunity because I refused to post my Magelo, as I knew it was incorrect. That is the core of the issue I have.

So once again, I respectfully thank you for addressing this issue.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 12/10/08, 6:20 AM

I'm very sorry to hear about that missed opportunity Seanashville, and thank you for clarifying the situation too. I understand your frustration and I hope that after this patch there won't be a next time.

The Heroic stats is really something our team has difficulty handling - we've been able to handle the direct Stat1 -> Stat2 correlations on the surface, but the more complex Stat1 -> Stat3 -> Stat4 -> Stat2 correlations still have to be figured out, from what I've been informed.

I'm checking with our team on the progress of our patch, and I've been informed we're still going over the changes announced in the patch - so I can't estimate either how long it'll take us to release the patch. We'll make an announcement post when we do, though, so keep an eye out for it!
Registered User

Nbr post: 40
Register: 10/7/05
Posted: 12/10/08, 4:05 PM

Thanks Erycil.

So even though I am able to sync today, the stats are still different on my in game character and my Magelo because of more patches to come by Magelo?

I only ask because I am still showing a huge disparity in stats from in-game and Magelo still.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 12/10/08, 10:25 PM

Yes, according to Jelan in this Announcement, we've pushed the patch to allow everyone to Sync their characters and will handle the stats separately - he's going to start a thread in our Laboratory section to gather updated information so that we can fix the formulas.