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Messages in topic: MU Rollercoaster

Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/9/06, 8:21 PM

Due to the important amount of simultaneous requests for profile’s synchronization MU is currently going up and down.

We’re implementing a quick fix as we speak and everything should be back to normal within the hour. We’ll keep you posted once it’s done.

Thank you.

Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User

Nbr post: 98
Register: 11/12/01
Posted: 11/9/06, 8:43 PM

Is this what is causing the "error connecting to server" message in a login box? Or is that an unrelated issue.

[Nilbus Oberlovyn|http:\\eq.magelo.com\profile\246758]
Master Tinkerer and Primal Elementalist - Tunare

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/9/06, 8:52 PM

yes, I am working on a fix, we will push it very soon, we cant be sure it will solve the issue but it will be definitly a step in the right direction.
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 2/22/05
Posted: 11/9/06, 11:00 PM

still unable to update, when will this be back up
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 2/22/05
Posted: 11/9/06, 11:00 PM

still unable to update, when will this be back up
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 2/22/05
Posted: 11/9/06, 11:00 PM

still unable to update, when will this be back up
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 2/22/05
Posted: 11/9/06, 11:00 PM

sry for multiple post