Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/25/08, 4:34 AM
It's been quite a wait, but we've finally patched our website and Magelo Sync to cope with the new expansion! It should now work with the latest Seeds of Destruction patch for EverQuest. It will take into account the new level cap, zones and your updated stats when your character is Synced.
Please note that at the moment, we don't take into account yet the effects of the new AAs nor the advanced side effects of heroic stats. We hope to address both issues in the next patch!
Magelo Sync now has a new feature which has been requested for some time – Auto-Sync!
This feature is toggled 'Off' by default. When activated, this new feature will automatically Sync your character upon log-in and when you log-off. While this is a feature that some have asked for, we must let you know that Auto-Sync will detect and Sync all your characters in play. If you are a Premium member and have unused game slots you do not wish to spend for specific accounts, we suggest deactivating the auto-Sync feature before logging into them.
Have fun with the new expansion everyone!
Registered User
Nbr post: 6
Register: 7/21/05
Posted: 10/25/08, 9:41 AM
after syncing quite a big HP difference exists... aprox. 2K.
stats themselves need to be adjusted in their cap...
But that is the price we have to pay Thx SOE
For me I can live with it until next patch
Registered User
Nbr post: 4
Register: 7/2/04
Posted: 10/25/08, 6:38 PM
HP/Mana actually decreased on my main; hit points were 21.7K prior to SoD, now 19.7. Unbuffed post-SoD HP in-game is 25K and change.
Total AA count is off as well; short by 400 or so.
Similar descrepancies exist on my other 2 synced toons as well.
Looking forward to the next patch and an accurate reflection of statistics.
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 5/24/04
Posted: 10/25/08, 9:51 PM
New Gear isnt being shown aswell after synching =/
Registered User
Nbr post: 6
Register: 10/16/07
Posted: 10/26/08, 3:02 AM
Sync not synching any toons, still showing same gear from last working sync weeks ago.
Registered User
Nbr post: 57
Register: 8/21/02
Posted: 10/26/08, 5:05 PM
Sync is "working" but hp/ac/aa etc are way off. Missing something like 4k hp, 200ish ac and 400ish aa

"Thanks for being completely stupid and owned" - FS Legend
Registered User
Nbr post: 9
Register: 1/18/05
Posted: 10/26/08, 6:52 PM
The bug that caused massive hp loss is related to the additional three ranks of natural durability.
Registered User
Nbr post: 6
Register: 8/28/06
Posted: 10/26/08, 9:54 PM
Getting same thing here. Dropped me nearly 2k mana and noticed it did not update a ring I looted tonight...just shows an empty slot.
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Nbr post: 1
Register: 2/27/08
Posted: 10/27/08, 4:55 AM
I am missing aprox 3995 hp and 200 ac and about 250 AA
Registered User
Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 10/27/08, 8:16 AM
Hello everyone.
The health issue is connected to the AAs - we're working on it and should have it fixed as soon as we get the data required.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/27/08, 8:59 AM
The AA issue has been fixed, please see my patch note on the homepage.
Registered User
Nbr post: 33
Register: 3/4/04
Posted: 10/27/08, 3:21 PM
I just synced at 1:30PM EST and the aas are still incorrect and so arent all stats except resists. So something is still wrong just letting you know=) Magelo sync show 1161 I have 1362 so fix this a.m. is still not working correctly.