Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/10/06, 3:13 PM
The first stage of the Ranking update is now live. This stage includes:
- The ability for every users, Premium or free, to rank their profile
- The ability to filters the Ranking to only include authenticated profiles.
- The duration rules that will remove a profile if it has not been updated within 3 months.
- The advanced search availabe to Premium users only. Free users can still sort the ranking by choosing Class and Server pre-made filters.(edited)
- The profile identity validation to rule out any fake profiles.
The second stage of the Ranking update will come at a later date and will include more filters, such as tradeskills and tradeskills average, and possibly more features.
Heres is a reminder from on how the new flow works:
- The Privacy Setting 'Rank this character' must be checked. (done by default)
- Non Premium profile needs to be validated by launching Magelo Update and logging the character in game. MU will automatically compare the character's name, server and level with those provided in the profile. Only if they match the profile will be ranked.
- If the character's name or server is changed, the profile will be automatically removed from the Ranking. Valid for both Premium and non Premium.
- The character's level can be only changed by 1 unit since its last validation. For instance, if you are level 70 and you gain a level, you can switch to level 71 and stay ranked. However, changing the level by more than 1 unit will requires you to validate the profile again. Valid for both Premium and non Premium.
Happy ranking!
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 11/10/06, 3:22 PM
Wow that was fast, thank you guys again for all the hard work you've put into this. It's really nice to see you guys taking community feedback and really listening and trying to accomodate what people want.
Registered User
Nbr post: 91
Register: 10/31/01
Posted: 11/10/06, 3:34 PM
Can play time be added? I want to see who the biggest losers are IRL =p
Half-Elf Lyricist
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Nbr post: 1
Register: 1/11/03
Posted: 11/10/06, 5:08 PM
says i am not a premium member but i am. How do i fix this? Magelo is only area not showing up as premium.
Registered User
Nbr post: 75
Register: 3/2/02
Posted: 11/10/06, 10:49 PM
Are non-premium users able to see the rankings at all? if not, there's not much motivation for them to go through the hassle of getting ranked and keeping it up to date.
Nbr post: 2781
Register: 10/29/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 5:20 AM
As mentioned in the November 9th news announcement...
- The search form is now available to Premium users only. Free users can still display the ranking by selecting the Class and Server pre-made filters.
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Nbr post: 9
Register: 12/26/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 11:48 AM
EQ players allows a free serch by class by server and Magelo currently does not. As a result, I have asked my guild to change our roster to allow EQ player profiles (as it currently only allows Magelo profiles).
Sad truth is, EQ players has all the profiles, so if Magelo does not offer a service at least equal to that of EQ players, it will become a dinosaur.
I think you should reconsider at the very least allowing free search by server by class like EQ players does. I however think the tide has shifted and this update will be the downfall of Magelo.
Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 11:54 AM
Yroc wrote:
EQ players allows a free serch by class by server and Magelo
And so do we. OneTree just pointed it out one post above yours.
The search form is now available to Premium users only. Free users can still display the ranking by selecting the Class and Server pre-made filters.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User
Nbr post: 9
Register: 12/26/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 12:03 PM
Let me clarify.
EQplayers allows me to rank by class, by server and then by key stat (hp for war ..mana for clerics) or by total AA
The free alpha list of players is not quite the same. In that you need to allow that one key stat in my opinion.
Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 12:43 PM
Currently when you select Bards it will return a sorted list by HP/Mana of Bards from all servers. Each class is ordered by two values that you can see on the Search box on the result page (ie. Clerics by Mana/Hp, Warriors by Hp/AC, etc.).
However in the next ranking patch we're improving things a little bit by making order values more obvious, by allowing free users to select the server from where they wish to list a class as well as allowing to rank by AAs.
Pretty much what you pointed out.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/11/06, 12:50 PM
Would be fun to order by Playtime but we do not have that value in our database unfortunately. Maybe its better for our own mental sanity
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User
Nbr post: 75
Register: 3/2/02
Posted: 11/12/06, 11:07 AM
Thanks Ishaar, sweet improvement. Make sure shd are ranked by ac first and then by hp. For reasons why this should be the case for shadowknights, check out
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Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/19/04
Posted: 11/15/06, 2:22 PM
You did well to get the site back up. Out of all the things I needed is was the information to Flags and Keys, and that is the only section that still isn't working. When will that get fixed??
Registered User
Nbr post: 12
Register: 7/3/02
Posted: 11/15/06, 5:44 PM
So how do non-premium members get their own magelo to show up in the rankings? I've DL'd MU, started it then started EQ and logged on but its not doing anything. I'm I missing something?
Registered User
Nbr post: 7
Register: 2/25/04
Posted: 11/16/06, 5:29 AM
It ranks my stats from pre update, is that correct?