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Messages in topic: $24.95???
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 2/15/07
Posted: 2/23/07, 2:41 AM

I would be happy if my $24.95 paid for something. I STII have not been able to log in and set up my initial toons since I downloaded Magelo's premium service. What gives?
Registered User

Nbr post: 11
Register: 6/16/02
Posted: 2/23/07, 8:10 AM

My subscription ran out and yeah I had to pay a bit more but its a service which I feel is worth the cost, it really isn't much no matter how you break it down.

As to why it isn't working at this moment. It is down because Sony recently patched the game, with an expansion, because the game code changed Magelo has to change as well. And since they do not get the code until after the patch like everyone else they have to disceminate the information and recode Magelo, which takes time. The more complex the changes the longer it takes. However when they release it, it generally works. When Sony puts out a patch they patch the patch about 4 times over.
Registered User

Nbr post: 13
Register: 3/12/02
Posted: 3/2/07, 10:47 PM

Account expired a few days ago. Tried to update just before but lol, I couldn't due to the patch from the expansion, go fig.

I'll renew If you decide to offer just the update service for a reduced charge but 24.95 for nothing more then a link isn't worth it. You can spew all you want about the "added features" but I don't use them nor does anyone I know.

Thanks for raising the price for no reason =)

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/3/07, 7:31 AM

The increase in price was necessary due to increased cost for maintenance (hardware and software), general inflation (it hadn't been increased since Premium was introduced about 5 years ago) and an increase in Magelo staff members.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 3/4/07, 11:18 AM

And a tiered pricing system would be impossible, because the vast majority of the community would just select an autoupdating profile link and no other features. Thus, they'd be losing more profit than simply charging one price and taking the loss of those would absolutely refuse to pay the $24.95. When given only one choice, many would still pay the full amount, but if there was a tiered system then I'd imagine tons would opt for the lower cost option instead.

Moklianne -Magelo
Premium User

Nbr post: 89
Register: 7/15/02
Posted: 3/4/07, 11:18 PM

why am I a premium user and account not expired yet my character is no where to be found in rankings?

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/5/07, 5:34 AM

Did you checkmark the option to keep it ranked under "My characters" -> "Manage character" -> "Privacy settings"?
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 11/8/01
Posted: 3/6/07, 11:34 PM

I love EQ Rankings. Been a member since 2001, paid for it most of the time until now. I just cant seem to get myself to dedicate $25 for it. I'm not complaining, I just cant see paying $25 a year for what it offers as premium service. Nice work, great site, a bit to much for what it offers in the end.

Thanks for the great work over the years!
Registered User

Nbr post: 13
Register: 3/12/02
Posted: 3/13/07, 2:51 PM

And a tiered pricing system would be impossible, because the vast majority of the community would just select an autoupdating profile link and no other features. Thus, they'd be losing more profit than simply charging one price and taking the loss of those would absolutely refuse to pay the $24.95. When given only one choice, many would still pay the full amount, but if there was a tiered system then I'd imagine tons would opt for the lower cost option instead.

That's the thing tho, all this omg we need to charge more for all these new features we added is what we have 11 pages of. My, and many other peoples, point was we don't care. We want auto updating and that's it. Most are interested in the rankings since they aren't linked with eqrankings anymore not to mention that only magelo members are included. Fact is most of subscribers just want to click and update. So the amazing proclamations of all these amazing features means jack. We don't care.

And I think they'll find in the end, 24.95 isn't worth it to most to click and update.

Thanks for the great service and the update but I'll stick with manual updates
Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 2/13/02
Posted: 3/16/07, 1:19 PM

I'm going to be more than happy to pay $25/yr for Magelo. I think its ridiculous that people are b!tching so much. Get real folks! $25/year = 6 cents a day... If you can't afford that then you probably shouldn't be affording EQ either, if you don't want to pay it anymore then fine, don't. But don't waste space with completely nonconstructive moaning and whining.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 3/16/07, 4:51 PM


Its not about not being able to afford it. Why can't people understand that? Its rather the fact that now, it is now not worth the cost for the features that it offers to MANY individuals. Myself being one of them. I still think its a superior product to EQrankings, however, Magelo is no longer worth cost for a simple link to your profile, since EQrankings is free for a basic link.

I have always said that Magelo is a great product, it is just not worth the cost to me at this time. Others feel the same way, while some others don't. You can't tell me that Magelo is worth more to me, lol, only I can do that. After all, Magelo is an optional service.

Moklianne -Magelo
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 11/8/01
Posted: 3/17/07, 7:29 PM

Paradisel hits on my point fairly well, and frankly it's not about $25 a year when money is not necessarily an issue for me. It's about one persons perception of values vs. another persons and I (yes me, maybe not you <points at no one in particular> I don't care what you think really) don't see the value in the service provided at the price it's being provided for.

Theres a point at which each individual weighs the cost vs. value of anything. Like paying $4 for an apple or every cent you have to save your child's life. Even if you bought the apple, unless your starving to death, you know you paid too much for it. But, I think any mother or father would understand giving every cent they have to save their child's life. The value simply outweighs the cost.

Thats what I am hitting on. I love Magelo, I have required every single one of my Guild Mates to have one when I ran guilds. I have been a premium user for years, when the value outweighed the cost. Now, and in my humble opinion, the cost outweighs the value....to me.

If you pay for it, I am happy for you. I hope it has all the bells and whistles you want for an annual fee of $25. I hope you are at the top of the Server list when you search your sever for who has the most mana or HP's.

Drop the price to $12 a year and I would gladly become a premium user again. $12 Annually is the limit of where I see value for this service.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 3/17/07, 10:21 PM

EQrankings = EQplayers in my last post, it was late, lol.

Moklianne -Magelo
Anthe Battlecaster
Registered User

Nbr post: 25
Register: 4/1/02
Posted: 3/20/07, 7:22 PM

I've always enjoyed magelo, and while I have had active eq accounts I've been a premium member. This will change when my subscription runs out based entirely on the extremely slow & laggy performance. Back during beta it was made known that magelo profiles started taking 20+ seconds to well over a minute (a few minutes on dial-up) to load up. This hasn't changed; and at times it is worse. Most of the time the new explorer window for the profile opens up and just greys out for over a minute making all internet explorer applictions freeze until magelo loads up enough to view or to close the window. Windows errors are highly normal when trying to "x" out a slow loading profile, forcing all browsers to close.

At work I have access to 4 seperate proxys based throughout the country, all on DS3 or faster connections. My internal network is gigabit; I just download new version of offline java (12+meg) in under 30 seconds. I download MP3s so fast I cannot keep 4 downloads running at the same time. My point is - I have a screaming fast & highly unique setup that works outstanding for virtually every internet operation in the world...except for magelo.

At home I use bellsouth networking, and magelo is considerably slower, as is virtually every other function which is to be expected on a vastly slower network.

The majelo updater is a bandwidth hog. I personaly cannot game while this is running in the background; it takes my ping from 280-500 and pumps it to 2500 and beyond. I can click a spell and practically take a small break and be back before the spell fires off. I can surf the internet, download MP3s in the background and game with minimal lag introduction. Not with magelo update.

I love magelo. I love being able to quick glance my mods, mod2s, view my bank stuffs. I like the presentation, the accuracy and all the features you guys worked so hard to implement. It kills me that the service has taking a huge downgrade in speed. When I do rankings it is very obvious that magelo has lost a massive amount of subscribers and general users. EQ players ranks one of my characters below top-100 recognition just server-wide in class. Magelo ranks my character in the top 30 game-wide. Where have all the player profiles gone? They quit using magelo because frankly, it sucks to freeze your computer for a few minutes trying to view a profile.

I know the staff has looked into the slow load times with utter bafflement because wherever you guys are based you see no problems. Some people in the US claim to have no speed problems, and I'm envious. You have to admit there is real problem and your proof is in your reduced users. Also consider the surge in eqplayers subscribers; why would anybody in their right mind pay for an inferrior service? Because of the speed & reliability.

Do you guys actually believe I & others are talking poop here? Look at your subscribers & user numbers. How many accounts have had recent activity? Compared to a year ago? Trust me, it is not due to reduced EQ population - it is due entirely to the painful load times of a magelo profile link.

It is not about the price. At all. It's about the service costing anything at all considering how poorly it performs. The only reason I even make attempts to keep my profile updated recently is because I have a pre-paid subscription. I sincerely hope this is corrected. If it does, I'll continue my subscription for as long as I have a eq account.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/21/07, 5:33 AM

I live several hundred miles away from where the Magelo servers are located, so I don't have a direct hookup on the Magelo server either, but I don't experience any latency issues. Profiles load fairly fast for me (just a few seconds at most).

Since you say you can download stuff fairly fast, could it be that Magelo is actually getting (partially) blocked on your machines? That you have a process that keeps hammering the connection without result because it is being refused access?