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Messages in topic: EverQuest Patch, 21 May 2009
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 5/22/09, 12:03 AM

EverQuest has just been given a small patch on the 21st of May, 2009. As usual, the Magelo team will need some time to adjust Magelo Sync in order for it to work properly with this new patch.

Your patience and understanding is most appreciated.

Update 5/22/09 : Magelo Sync has been patched, have a good WE everyone !
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 6/28/08
Posted: 5/23/09, 3:47 PM

It's not detecting my char after patch. Anyone else having issues?


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/23/09, 11:55 PM

Hi, can you please post your Magelo Sync Log, It should help us understand what is going on.. To get your log, press CTRL + SHIFT + L on Magelo Sync and paste the log here, thanks !
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 5/24/09
Posted: 5/24/09, 2:23 PM

My character is not showing any equipment at all. Nothing. Just the base character info. Is this part of the problem?
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 6/28/08
Posted: 5/24/09, 4:07 PM

It seems to be working now. Perhaps I just had to reload EQ? Or you fixed something. But I just synced fine. Thx


Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 5/25/09, 1:24 AM

Outer5sider - you are not showing as having an active subscription so for you Sync will just create new characters and update your toons level and guild status. Gear has to be added manually.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 5/25/09, 1:41 AM

My character is not showing any equipment at all. Nothing. Just the base character info. Is this part of the problem?

It's actually not; you are showing as a Registered user, so Sync will create your toons profile and update the level and guild status but will not update gear and AA's. You'll be able to update them manually on the website as soon as you have Sync'ed your character.

A quick guide on manually managing your character equipment can be found here:

Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 2/14/03
Posted: 5/26/09, 12:13 PM

Seems I do have a problem after I synced yesterday. If I look into my characers and manage character everything is fine, the rankings too seem to match but if i use the link for my profile I just see a currupted screen, no gear and empty open bags. Yesterday befor I Synced everything was fine.

Fixed it, just saved the identity card and now it works again
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 8/22/02
Posted: 5/30/09, 3:18 PM

Sync not seeing the (2) instances of EQ running, even after zoning and letting run for 30 minutes. Sync Log:

[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Using magelo-i18n[en_US]
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Magelo Sync 4.1.4, Copyright (C) 2009 Magelo SA
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Windows XP 5.1 x86
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] Java version 1.6.0_13
[2009-05-30 13:01:48] America/New_York, en_US, windows-1252
[2009-05-30 13:01:48]
[2009-05-30 13:01:49] Initialisation des services...
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Authentification automatique de l'utilisateur...
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Game Slots : 4 free of 8
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Utilisateur authentifié : Klonn (PREMIUM)
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Démarrage des services...
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Démarrage du service : Content Synchronizer
[2009-05-30 13:01:52] Démarrage du service : Deadlock Hunter
[2009-05-30 13:01:54] Démarrage du service : Recherche de processus
[2009-05-30 13:01:57] Nouveau processus détecté : [Process id=5644 name=eqgame.exe path=D:\EverQuest\eqgame.exe]
[2009-05-30 13:01:57] Nouveau processus détecté : [Process id=5572 name=eqgame.exe path=D:\EverQuest.2\eqgame.exe]
[2009-05-30 13:01:57] Process found : eqgame.exe
[2009-05-30 13:01:57] Process found : eqgame.exe
[2009-05-30 13:02:00] Création du moniteur Everquest
[2009-05-30 13:02:00] Création du moniteur Everquest
[2009-05-30 13:02:00] Exception in thread "Thread-10"
at java.util.Properties.getProperty(Unknown Source)
at com.magelo.lj.c(lj.java:37)
at com.magelo.lj.a(lj.java:60)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:59)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
at com.magelo.Qsk.<init>(Qsk.java:58)
[2009-05-30 13:02:52] Sending game content to server...
[2009-05-30 13:02:52] Nouveaux objets détectés : 0
[2009-05-30 13:02:52] Envoi des observations
[2009-05-30 13:07:52] Sending game content to server...
[2009-05-30 13:07:52] Nouveaux objets détectés : 0
[2009-05-30 13:07:52] Envoi des observations
[2009-05-30 13:12:28] Opening 'D:\Magelo\Magelo Sync\magelo.log'
[2009-05-30 13:12:52] Sending game content to server...
[2009-05-30 13:12:52] Nouveaux objets détectés : 0
[2009-05-30 13:12:52] Envoi des observations
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 6/1/09, 1:19 AM

Klonn, can you tell me if you were able to Sync them individually, one at a time, as opposed to having both instances of EQ running please?
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 9/24/04
Posted: 6/2/09, 2:48 AM

Magelo Sync 4.1.4 isn't detecting my character. I am a premium user, not due to expire for a few months.

I'm running only one instance of EQ. No additional tools like WinEQ. Here's the magelo sync log.

[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Using magelo-i18n[en_US]
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Magelo Sync 4.1.4, Copyright (C) 2009 Magelo SA
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Windows XP 5.1 x86
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] Java version 1.6.0_13
[2009-06-01 21:41:21] America/Los_Angeles, en_US, windows-1252
[2009-06-01 21:41:21]
[2009-06-01 21:41:22] Initialisation des services...
[2009-06-01 21:41:24] Authentification automatique de l'utilisateur...
[2009-06-01 21:41:25] Game Slots : 1 free of 3
[2009-06-01 21:41:25] Utilisateur authentifié : minyeni (PREMIUM)
[2009-06-01 21:41:25] Démarrage des services...
[2009-06-01 21:41:25] Démarrage du service : Content Synchronizer
[2009-06-01 21:41:25] Démarrage du service : Deadlock Hunter
[2009-06-01 21:41:26] Démarrage du service : Recherche de processus
[2009-06-01 21:41:28] Nouveau processus détecté : [Process id=4068 name=eqgame.exe path=C:\everquest\eqgame.exe]
[2009-06-01 21:41:28] Process found : eqgame.exe
[2009-06-01 21:41:30] Création du moniteur Everquest
[2009-06-01 21:41:30] Démarrage du game monitor : EverQuest
[2009-06-01 21:41:33] Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
com.magelo.process.n: Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:58)
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:109)
at com.magelo.Qfj.Qa(Qfj.java:21)
at com.magelo.Qfj.a(Qfj.java:20)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:92)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:90)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:112)
at com.magelo.Qbj.a(Qbj.java:115)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.tc.c(tc.java:14)
at com.magelo.Qj.Qd(Qj.java:269)
at com.magelo.Qj.h(Qj.java:61)
at com.magelo.ve.a(ve.java:13)
at com.magelo.ve.run(ve.java:21)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[2009-06-01 21:42:10] Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
com.magelo.process.n: Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:58)
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:109)
at com.magelo.Qfj.Qa(Qfj.java:21)
at com.magelo.Qfj.a(Qfj.java:20)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:92)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:90)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:112)
at com.magelo.Qbj.a(Qbj.java:115)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.tc.c(tc.java:14)
at com.magelo.Qj.Qd(Qj.java:269)
at com.magelo.Qj.h(Qj.java:61)
at com.magelo.ve.a(ve.java:13)
at com.magelo.ve.run(ve.java:21)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[2009-06-01 21:42:25] Sending game content to server...
[2009-06-01 21:42:25] Objets détectés par GameMonitor (EverQuest 1.0.39) : 6
[2009-06-01 21:42:25] Nouveaux objets détectés : 6
[2009-06-01 21:42:26] Objets demandés par le serveur : 5
[2009-06-01 21:42:26] Envoi des observations
[2009-06-01 21:42:54] Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
com.magelo.process.n: Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:58)
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:109)
at com.magelo.Qfj.Qa(Qfj.java:21)
at com.magelo.Qfj.a(Qfj.java:20)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:92)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:90)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:112)
at com.magelo.Qbj.a(Qbj.java:115)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.tc.c(tc.java:14)
at com.magelo.Qj.Qd(Qj.java:269)
at com.magelo.Qj.h(Qj.java:61)
at com.magelo.ve.a(ve.java:13)
at com.magelo.ve.run(ve.java:21)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[2009-06-01 21:43:00] Browsing ' http://eq.magelo.com'
[2009-06-01 21:43:26] Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
com.magelo.process.n: Could not read memory: 0x5102afe8
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:58)
at com.magelo.process.windows.WindowsProcessHandle.read(WindowsProcessHandle.java:109)
at com.magelo.Qfj.Qa(Qfj.java:21)
at com.magelo.Qfj.a(Qfj.java:20)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:92)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:90)
at com.magelo.Qbj.Qa(Qbj.java:112)
at com.magelo.Qbj.a(Qbj.java:115)
at com.magelo.tc.b(tc.java:10)
at com.magelo.tc.c(tc.java:14)
at com.magelo.Qj.Qd(Qj.java:269)
at com.magelo.Qj.h(Qj.java:61)
at com.magelo.ve.a(ve.java:13)
at com.magelo.ve.run(ve.java:21)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[2009-06-01 21:43:56] Opening 'C:\Program Files\Magelo\Magelo Sync\magelo.log'
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 9/24/04
Posted: 6/4/09, 4:52 AM

Sync saw my character today. Weird; intermittent problem. Anyway, I'm working again.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 6/4/09, 6:59 AM

Thank you very much for the update, Minyeni. We've been trying to find out what it is - with it being a very random memory error, it's rather hard to pin it down from either the Magelo Sync logs alone. Once we have a definite way to find out what is causing it, we will correct it asap.