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Messages in topic: Can I create a profile without Magelo Sync?
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 7/21/09
Posted: 7/24/09, 3:02 AM

I play on the macintosh server, and magelo sync is a windows based program. Is there any way to create a character without the use of magelo sync?



Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 7/24/09, 1:55 PM

Not at this time. The manual character creation was diabled until the team can track down a bug with it that is causing profiles to become corrupted.


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 9/4/09, 12:53 AM

Unfortunately the reality is that the mac server is so behind that all the formulas and even the spell/item database will be wrong for your character...

There is not much we can do right now.
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 8/11/03
Posted: 9/9/09, 4:08 PM

gah I'm fubared too then. Just signed up for premium and doesn't work on test.

Nbr post: 324
Register: 11/3/02
Posted: 12/29/09, 7:30 PM

You can create a dummy duplicate on another Server and use Sync. Once the character is created, you can change the Server to Test. You'll only be able to manually update, but at least you'll have your Magelo created for you.

EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
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Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 1/8/04
Posted: 12/29/09, 8:22 PM

Seriously, instead of renting a new account on a PC server just so you can create a profile on Magelo for your Al'Kabor toon, your best bet is to either create a profile at http://everquest.allakhazam.com, or use the new profile creation thing at http://eqmacwiki.com/w/Template:Profile.