Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 9/28/09, 4:59 PM
- We have removed the raid level loot drops from the Classic Missions and replaced them with Brew Point rewards. We have also removed the raid level loot items from the Brew Point vendor. This is temporary pending changes that might be made to these reward items in the near future. Thank you for your patience while we work out a solution.
- We have added a requirement that 12 characters be in the zone to open the raid chests (Naggy and Vox) in the Classic Missions. For group missions at least two people must be in the zone to loot the chest.
- If you obtain any McKenzie's Special Brew while you are in a classic mission, be sure to use the Reclaim button on the currency tab of your inventory before leaving the zone!
- Old Man McKenzie will not sell many of the Vox or Nagafen items that he sold previously. This is temporary pending changes that might be made to these reward items in the near future. Thank you for your patience while we work out a solution.
