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Messages in topic: Existing character trying to register as new account?
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 9/27/01
Posted: 11/16/06, 7:50 PM

I'm trying to sync up one of my characters. When I hit the sync buton it informs me it'll take a character slot and I'll have 0 left. The problem with this is that this character already exists on the Magelo account. Nothing at all has changed. What gives? Why is it detecting it as a new account instead of syncing up the old one?

Nbr post: 189
Register: 10/4/01
Posted: 11/16/06, 9:10 PM

If you can reproduce the message stating that a new slot will be used, could you please post your log file ? This will show us what went wrong during the synchronization. Thank you.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 9/27/01
Posted: 11/17/06, 6:30 PM

[2006-11-17 16:24:51] Magelo Update 3.0.5b, Copyright (C) 2006 Magelo SA
[2006-11-17 16:24:51] Windows XP 5.1 x86
[2006-11-17 16:24:51] Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_09-b03
[2006-11-17 16:24:52] Authentification automatique de l'utilisateur...
[2006-11-17 16:24:53] Utilisateur authentifiÈ : Zophim (PREMIUM)
[2006-11-17 16:24:54] DÈmarrage du service : Deadlock Hunter
[2006-11-17 16:24:54] DÈmarrage du service : Content Synchronizer
[2006-11-17 16:24:54] DÈmarrage du service : Recherche de processus
[2006-11-17 16:24:56] Nouveau processus dÈtectÈ : [Process id=4040 name=eqgame.exe path=c:\program files\everquest\eqgame.exe]
[2006-11-17 16:24:56] DÈmarrage du game monitor : EVERQUEST
[2006-11-17 16:24:58] Nouveau personnage dÈtectÈ : [EverQuestCharacter name=Zophim server=fenninro account=1837430783]
[2006-11-17 16:24:58] Synchronisation du contenu
[2006-11-17 16:24:58] Objets dÈtectÈs par le game monitor EVERQUEST : 434
[2006-11-17 16:24:58] Nouveaux objets dÈtectÈs : 434
[2006-11-17 16:25:00] Synchronisation des personnages
[2006-11-17 16:25:00] Slots enregistrÈs : [3318371347, 2643752854, null]
[2006-11-17 16:25:00] Slots disponibles: 1
[2006-11-17 16:25:00] Nouveau compte dÈtectÈ : Zophim (1837430783)
[2006-11-17 16:25:00] Nouveaux account keys: 1
[2006-11-17 16:25:11] Objets demandÈs par le serveur : 0
[2006-11-17 16:25:18] Synchronisation des personnages
[2006-11-17 16:25:18] Slots enregistrÈs : [3318371347, 2643752854, null]
[2006-11-17 16:25:18] Slots disponibles: 1
[2006-11-17 16:25:18] Nouveau compte dÈtectÈ : Zophim (1837430783)
[2006-11-17 16:25:18] Nouveaux account keys: 1
[2006-11-17 16:25:54] Synchronisation du contenu
[2006-11-17 16:25:54] Objets dÈtectÈs par le game monitor EVERQUEST : 434
[2006-11-17 16:25:54] Nouveaux objets dÈtectÈs : 0
[2006-11-17 16:26:54] ArrÍt du service : Recherche de processus
[2006-11-17 16:26:54] ArrÍt du game monitor : EVERQUEST
[2006-11-17 16:26:54] ArrÍt du service : Content Synchronizer
[2006-11-17 16:27:04] Fermeture de l'application

Also, sorry that this is probably in the wrong forum now. I didn't even think about it at the time.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 9/27/01
Posted: 11/26/06, 12:55 AM

Any feedback at all on this?

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/26/06, 9:08 AM

Just cleared your game slots, so just sync your toons
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 9/27/01
Posted: 11/26/06, 8:16 PM

Thanks a bunch!
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 9/27/01
Posted: 1/26/07, 8:03 PM

Same error again. Hadn't had any problems up till now, but hadn't sync'd much either.