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Messages in topic: Question about items..
Greym Greymantle
Premium User

Nbr post: 140
Register: 7/22/02
Posted: 12/12/09, 10:19 AM

If i look at the top 100 new items found and click one for detailed info. It does not link it to any of the mobs/npc that drop/sell it. yet if i go into the detailed search it does. Why is that?

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 12/14/09, 7:06 AM

Hi Greym,

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by detailed search. I have been unable to find the NPC loot information on the new items I checked so far by following the item link provided in the Advanced Search; so could you give me an example to clarify your question please?

Thank you very much for your assistance!