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Messages in topic: Item Search
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/13/05
Posted: 3/10/10, 5:00 AM

How is the item search on a premium Magelo?

I recently had a premium Allahkazam, but it has expired.

I've been looking at other areas to do full item searches. There any way to see a type of trail or demo of what the item searches look like on here with premium?
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 3/10/10, 10:36 PM

Hi Symbius,

The Advanced Search will let you search for items based on variables such as name, location (In your inventory if you have it), the usual tags (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Temporary, etc), slot, Skill%, +DMG Skills, and stat attributes.

You will also have the option to sort the results as you like.

Hope that helps!
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/13/05
Posted: 3/10/10, 11:33 PM

hmm.. interesting.

How about by Era?

Recently decided to level a character classic style, so only want to do searches on original, kunark and velious era gear.

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 3/11/10, 5:50 AM


Right now, we dont support filering your search by expansion however it should be possible to include / exclude items that we know are coming from given expansion. I will look into it.

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 3/11/10, 7:52 AM

I implemented this feature and it will be live with our next patch which is scheduled for tomorrow.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/13/05
Posted: 3/13/10, 1:06 AM

Hm.. nice, you just sold me on getting premium.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/13/05
Posted: 4/21/10, 8:30 PM

So after using this premium for a month now I can say that I'm not too thrilled on how it all works.

Including the Era in the searches was nice, but it doesn't really work.

I still have to click to "include items from unknown source" or my search comes up with a big 0.

And searches like that make it pointless to use that option since I have to weed through tons of items I didn't want in the first place.

Still has potential, but in the end Advanced searches using 13th-floor gives more reliable clutter-free results.

Any chance this will be fleshed out properly and get into a working order?
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 4/22/10, 8:59 AM

Hi Symbius, thanks for bringing it up. We should fix it pretty soon, within this week.

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/25/10, 1:32 AM

Fixed the expansion thing, is there any other thing in the advanced search that would make your life easier ?
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/13/05
Posted: 5/26/10, 6:08 PM

Thanks Jelan.

It definitely seems to be working quite a bit better now.

I'm nitpicking a bit, but I suppose the only thing that I could see that could possibly make the advanced search better is to somehow show if an item is REQ/REC on the large displayed list.

Right now if I do a search for a lvl 50 character and rank it by INT, the #1 item will show 1 INT instead of it's REC #. A way to display that on the list would be nice, instead of having to hover over each picture.

Otherwise, good job!

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/6/10, 12:52 AM

Hi symbius,

Did you fill your level or even better select your character in the list ? If you do that, the search will be contextualized and only items matching your level will be shown. Even better, the stats for items having a recommended level higher than yours will be adjusted automatically.
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 4/21/10
Posted: 6/7/10, 5:23 PM

Greetings, I wonder if it would be possible to add in an advanced search filter for the last time a character logged in. This way I could see characters that have the latest gear as well as being able to compare with older types of gear.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 6/8/10, 12:20 AM

Hi Meltonian,

You can simply browse the latest profiles on the EQ Home page: http://eq.magelo.com/home.jspa

It's a constantly changing list so you're bound to find something for your character among them!
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/22/05
Posted: 9/15/10, 4:36 PM

Is it possible to make it capable of searching by zone?

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 9/18/10, 5:12 AM

Hi jimbuck95,

When you say per zone, Are you interested to know what drop in a particular zone and you want to very advanced filters but only in a particular zone ? Just trying to better understand what you are after.