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Messages in topic: Updates – November 23

Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/23/06, 1:40 PM

Here’s is our last round of updates:

  • It is possible now to rank players by servers and by class. Valid for Premium and free users.
  • The default sorting order by class name has been modified according to the last Ranking round table. Thanks to all who have participated, we will hold a second session pretty soon.
  • It is now possible to rank by AA. Valid for all users as well.

Advanced search
  • It is now possible to search for equipped items (i.e. not the inventory nor the bank) throughout all your guild's main characters. To give an example, an officer can now use this new search type to get a quick overview of all primary slot weapons from, let's say, all the warriors from its guild. Also, displayed items' stats are dynamically scaled based on the character who wears them.
  • You can now specify a level while searching an item. This new search criterion will list all items that are flagged with a Required Level under or equal to the specified value. Also, items flagged with Recommended Level higher to this value will have their stats scaled accordingly.
  • When you search an item, it is now possible to specify an augment slot type.
  • You can also search for augments.
  • Added several combat skills modifiers as search criteria, such as +BS, +Archery, etc.
  • Added instruments modifiers field too.
  • Combat and instruments modifiers are now available as a sort order.
  • Stacks of items will now display their quantity. This is pretty useful for tradeskill items for instance.

  • Improved the UI in several places across the website. Thanks to the users who gave us their impressions on the matter.
  • From now on, when you reach the site by using the www.magelo.com address you will be automatically redirected to the EQ channel.

Bug fixing
  • Fixed a bug where Premium users where not flagged as such.
  • Fixed a bug where some bags like the bag of the Tinkerers could not be added to the inventory/bank.
  • Fixed a bug that should resolve the issue where some users were not able to get their guild tag synched, thus not allowing them to join the guild roster.

Along with various improvements as specified in the Nov. 16 roadmap, missing spells and alternate profiles are on our top priority list and scheduled for the next update.

EDIT: By fixing the "double spells" issue we now face the "no spells at all" issue...duh. Our scribes are working on it and are writing them all again in our spells book.

Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User

Nbr post: 17
Register: 12/12/01
Posted: 11/24/06, 7:30 AM

Registered User

Nbr post: 111
Register: 10/22/03
Posted: 11/24/06, 12:35 PM

Very nice guys, keep it coming

Jartaxel Daerthe
Raging Fury
Registered User

Nbr post: 12
Register: 7/3/02
Posted: 11/27/06, 8:25 PM

How do you sort it? I'm still getting the premium pop-up when I try to sort by class and server.


Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/27/06, 8:47 PM

On the main ranking page, by the class list, you got a server list just above.
Registered User

Nbr post: 12
Register: 7/3/02
Posted: 11/29/06, 1:39 AM

So if I select my server<Xegony> then click a class..it should only show that class for that server? If so, its still not working for me. I'm still getting a list of all the servers for that class.


Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 11/29/06, 4:09 AM

Make sure you're actually using the server drop down list on the "Ranking by class" box.

Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 5/8/05
Posted: 11/29/06, 12:22 PM

"Along with various improvements as specified in the Nov. 16 roadmap, missing spells and alternate profiles are on our top priority list and scheduled for the next update."

Do we have a tenative date for this update? the missing spells especially? thanks.
Registered User

Nbr post: 12
Register: 7/3/02
Posted: 11/29/06, 2:08 PM

I have been using the drop down server menu above the class listings. Is this still being looked at or have we moved on to the totally useless spell listings?