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Messages in topic: Everquest Charms showing max stats all the time?

Nbr post: 194
Register: 3/27/08
Posted: 1/9/12, 3:08 AM

My charm is the "Lucky Gouzah Foot" and the stats go up and down drastically, the stats are the best around midnight IN game time.... so atm when I want to update my magelo and show the best stats, I have to wait till its in game time close to midnight... Is it possible for charms to show up with the best possible stats as the default instead of requesting us to wait to certain times to update our magelo, or be in a raid or be in a group with multiple healers just to show best stats..?

My item info is:
Id : 122648
Lore : Brought no luck to its original owner
Type : Charm (not stackable)
Initial entry :12/20/10 10:01 AM

I hope this post made sence to you, Please let me know if I need to explain further what I am asking.

Thank you for your time,
Township Rebelion - Luclin Server

CaRnon the Fabled Cleric
Realm of Insanity - Xegony
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/27/12, 8:22 AM

The thing is if a charm is situational, it seems wrong to assume the max stats all the time. I understand that due to the static nature of a offline profile, it has to take a picture at a given time and people will always try to sync at the best time.

The issue is that when you sync and you open your profile, you expect to have the same stat. If we would magically grant you the best stats for your charm, people will not understand why they just synced and the profile is giving them wrong stats.
Registered User

Nbr post: 48
Register: 7/19/04
Posted: 2/1/12, 4:58 AM

Which goes back to the basic issue: at least half the charm drops in raids are crap. Good charms are so few and far between, it makes sense to wait for them to drop rather than grabbing whatever is available to you.

Semi-retired warrior of Povar