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Messages in topic: No ranking and No discipline list
Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 4/13/09
Posted: 1/14/12, 6:17 AM

Level 92 monk unranked and no spells/disc list - goes to broken page.

Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 1/14/12, 9:06 PM

Hi Cheopis,

Yes your character has a "non ranked" status, when you look at it in My characters page (little icon on the left of your character thumbnail). We still have to correct a problem on this front linked to the last update we did to manage duplicate characters.

Just a thought, did you edit it manually after your last sync? If yes, you need to sync it again.

About the missing spell issue, we will look into it and keep you posted too.

Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 4/13/09
Posted: 1/15/12, 12:21 AM

I only entered edit to look at my missing disciplines. The character moved from Rathe to Firiona Vie though since the last time I had a membership, maybe the server swap confused it?

Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 1/16/12, 7:29 PM

Hum it's possible the issue is linked to the server change. Did you try to sync again? Magelo Sync should pick the change. Just let me know if it fix any of your issues. Thank you!

Nbr post: 11486
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/27/12, 7:54 AM

And the missing spell/disc issue has been fixed !
Marked this as fixed as I am pretty sure your character will get ranked as soon as you sync it again.
Let us know if it's not the case.