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Messages in topic: How does the database update work?
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Nbr post: 46
Register: 11/19/02
Posted: 1/16/12, 12:45 PM

How do you get those statistics about how often a particular item drops from a particular mob?

I had casually assumed that IF you have Magelo Sync running while you are playing the game, that it notes the corpses you examine and the things you find on them. But I cannot find a description of this process anywhere.

What raises the question is that we have been trying to farm the items for a quest in Hills of Shade, and as the drop rates seem quite low, I looked it up in the database.

The item is "Springy Young Branch", and it drops only from Tortured Treants.

The database says it drops 13% of the time... it does not seem to have been even that much for us, but I did not keep a close count. I just know that it took us several hours of clearing to get the 8 we needed.

Then I noticed that the count of treants and items did not seem to change during our session. The character doing the looting has magelo sync running in the background. (premium account if it matters).

Is it just that the data is not updated real-time? Or is it not working? Or did I misunderstand how the data is collected?

If it is magelo sync doing the collection, does it see all the items on the corpse, even if we do not loot them?

The information about how this works is probably here somewhere, but I can't find it and was surprised that I did not see a FAQ or help or general information section pertaining to the data collection.


Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/16/12, 1:45 PM

Hi Bareldi,

It should work as you think it is. Another users reported us a similar issue in this topic: http://eq.magelo.com/forum/messages.jspa?topic=9923

I gonna close this topic so we can consolidate the issue over there.
Thanks for the report, I am looking into the problem and will keep you posted.