Registered User
Nbr post: 75
Register: 10/11/01
Posted: 1/18/12, 8:54 PM
I have maxed AA (profile 11084) and I am showing a discrepancy over what I have ingame.
After the last patch refunding Hastened Origin a Fully AA'd Paladin Human has 9400 AA assigned
If the Paladin is Human the Tinkering should not be showing
Also Paladins dont get the Fortitude of the Warlord.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/27/12, 7:40 AM
Hi Genadine,
I have fixed the tinkering mastery AA, will be enabled for gnome only now
I am still looking into the Fortitude of the Warlord AA and as for your AA count, may i ask you to sync your profile again, I would rather make sure I work on authentic data.
Thanks !
Registered User
Nbr post: 75
Register: 10/11/01
Posted: 2/27/12, 4:41 PM
Oops sorry for delay,
OK Re-Sync'd today and still seeing a massive discepancy on AA's
Ingame unspent 50, assigned 9400 (all of them) total 13084
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 9/14/12, 1:14 AM
Hi Genadine,
We recently fixed many stat issue so we wanted to ask you a update on your AA stat.
Do you still have a big difference between your ingame AAs and your Magelo Profile?
Thanks for your help.