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Topics in forum: MMORPGs Talk Author Views Replies Last post
Loot Rules aiornieu 20455 0 9/19/12, 12:22 AM
By aiornieu 
Copernicus "Wish List" Keilana55 20919 2 9/19/12, 12:18 AM
By aiornieu 
Guild Wars 2 ? Kilgoren 18692 1 9/4/12, 6:44 AM
By Jelan 
3DS Games aiornieu 16524 0 8/31/12, 10:43 PM
By aiornieu 
Post moved to Suggestions: Rift artifact syncing/tracking? Twilight2k 18057 2 4/16/12, 3:55 PM
By Keilana55 
still no eta for others games? ironnigator 50195 26 3/14/11, 9:42 PM
By Jelan 
EQ Magelo Tool Tips Now on Necrotalk Drazzminius 20178 4 1/5/11, 9:11 PM
By Jelan 
Shadow Priest....Gear, Specs, Advice! Manabat 20927 9 7/19/10, 8:05 PM
By afterburn 
raid/questing music (lets make a list) gpb 19424 6 7/13/10, 2:43 AM
By carnusbull 
Lord of the rings Online kennikki 18234 2 6/19/10, 7:30 PM
By Dktattertots 
Respawn rate killed? Laundryman 17659 1 4/1/10, 12:06 AM
By Laundryman 
502 Bad Gateway MAGELO DOWN? darkwizard108401 19248 1 10/30/09, 2:19 AM
By loulina 
Pallytanks - discuss :) torillian 16930 7 7/3/09, 6:16 PM
By BloodyBandage