Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/20/17, 8:35 AM
Hi Guys,
Finally got to the bottom of this GMT issue and it's now fixed. Thanks for the feedback and your patience in this matter. Have a good WE !
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 6/3/15
Posted: 1/20/17, 9:56 AM
Still not working for the most recent patch that was released wednesday of this week.
Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/20/17, 9:57 AM
Yep working on it
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 6/3/15
Posted: 1/20/17, 3:01 PM
Glad to hear it!
Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/21/17, 1:36 AM
Patched !