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Messages in topic: Signature under php Fusion (Fixed)
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 5/3/03
Posted: 8/23/08, 1:44 AM

Cant get mine to work

Registered User

Nbr post: 12
Register: 4/11/05
Posted: 8/23/08, 10:25 AM

My characters signatures images are not working either on my account.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 8/27/08, 7:14 AM

For those of you who still have problems with using the signatures in your guild forums, please post a link to the particular forum so we can have a look at the issue.
Registered User

Nbr post: 20
Register: 9/20/01
Posted: 8/28/08, 2:57 PM

I am trying to add the bb code one to my shamans profile over at http://crucible.samanna.net
but when i copy/paste the bbcode from the magelo site
[url= /img/url' target='new'>http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1128759][img]http://eq.sig.magelo.com/1128759.png/img/url

i get the following message from crucible
"It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image"
and it will not display, only forum i tried so far just started playing again
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 8/29/08, 12:05 AM

Hello, Thotamon!

The problem has been identified, it looks like your forums is trying to check the image size without success. Could you try using this code?


Let me know if it works.
Registered User

Nbr post: 20
Register: 9/20/01
Posted: 8/29/08, 9:01 PM

Nope i only get a link like
[img=500x100] /img' target='new'>http://eq.sig.magelo.com/1128759.png/img
and it seems your link lacks a [ at the beginning.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 9/1/08, 12:51 AM

Hmm, it looks like the forums you mentioned is using phpBB3. I'll check on what we can do to help in this case.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 9/4/08, 7:58 AM

Got news Thotamon - it looks like it's more of a phpBB3 issue than a Signature issue.

What can be done in this case is that the forum admin has to disable image size limit for signatures (It is handy, but it may not support remote image). Either that, or the website administrator has to edit the php.ini file and change the setting in some situations it may be a security hole so I would advise against that.

A third solution would be to have the admin disable image size checks and only allow registered users to post images to ensure security for the forums mentioned.

The issues lie with the limitations caused by settings in the forums. It's been discussed in other boards.
Warning! Off-site link:
Registered User

Nbr post: 20
Register: 9/20/01
Posted: 9/4/08, 7:59 PM

Thank you Erycil, will see if anyone there can do anything about it.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 1/22/07
Posted: 11/11/08, 2:39 PM

I too am having an issue getting the signature (below) to work on my guild's Yuku based website. I have tried both the HTML and the BB code, but neither works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 11/11/08, 10:23 PM

Hmm, could you provide a link to your guild website please? I've checked http://www.undividedfaith.net/ and it seems the domain has expired so I assume your guild website has changed.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 1/22/07
Posted: 11/12/08, 1:38 PM

The link to our guild's website is: http://undivided.yuku.com/

In advance, thanks for your help on this!

Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 11/12/08, 11:18 PM

Hello again zarell.

When creating your signature, did you activate HTML format in the tools section above the textbox? You should be able to mouse over and find that option. Click it before inputting the HTML code for your signature and it should work.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2681
Register: 7/23/08
Posted: 1/9/09, 12:19 AM

Just a little update to everyone keeping an eye on this thread:

Our team did a little magic and changed some things in our database that handles the image size queries from phpbb3 forums, so your signatures should now be viewable on those forums you were previously having trouble with!