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Register: 12/13/01
Posted: 2/26/11, 3:50 AM
Just wondering how many long-time Magelo users are still around. I just looked and it seems like the last profile is number 1,321,672. That's a lot of profiles! But it actually doesn't seem high enough.. I'm basing this post that profiles are created sequentially and once a number is used it doesn't get reused.
Anyway, original adopters, whats your profile number? Mine is 168211.
Baadan - 80 Warrior
Nbr post: 325
Register: 11/3/02
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/27/11, 10:31 PM
Mine is 1 haha Joke aside, it is now more and more difficult to get a low id given that we compete with wow profiles as well as they use the same sequence.
Nbr post: 325
Register: 11/3/02
Posted: 2/28/11, 12:08 AM
I actually had a pretty low number on my original Mikaal Drazzminius (was a level 13 Necro on 7th Hammer WAAAAAAY back when I very first started playing), but I deleted that profile after I gave up playing on a server where I didn't know anyone. A bunch of other Marines that I worked with played on Rodcet Nife and, being too cheap to do a character transfer, I deleted the toon, his Magelo (was just a standard user at the time) and restarted on there.
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
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Posted: 3/11/11, 5:28 PM
My main is 170915, but one of my older characters is 23493. I know that I had one under 10000 at one time for the character that is 23493 but I'd deleted it. Maintaining a profile was a bit harder then (no sync) but at least there were no augs to contend with, heh.
(90 Shadow Knight) Master Artisan Klotar Klomeister of the Freeport Militia
Sword of Fate ~ Prexus
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Posted: 3/17/11, 6:01 PM
None older than rildo's here; I stopped playing EQ between Velious and PoP, and had not heard of Magelo until after rildo started doing raids. The EQ pack I got that I came back into was the one with up to PoP and SOE still had xpack game boxes for sale. A year or so later SOE moved entirely into digital downloads for newer xpacks.
Semi-retired warrior of Povar
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Posted: 9/1/11, 11:59 PM
my current is:
but my other two are:
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Posted: 9/19/11, 9:46 PM
Must be quite a few sub 1million that are dead / not updated since the big change years ago therefore blank.
Ever considered purging the database?
Dont remember how long ive used magelo, was pretty early on, but even then my number was "high"
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Posted: 12/5/11, 10:20 PM
And I hope they dont purge, would hate to loose my old sig.
Old Hotness
New Hotness
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/6/11, 7:01 AM
We don't purge the database and have no plan to do it for now however we will soon get rid off duplicates of the same character (same name, same server).
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Posted: 4/12/12, 12:06 AM
Acct from Dec 2003
looks like lots of accounts between 2001 and 2003
Simply Scrumptious............Just try me.
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Nbr post: 6
Register: 11/5/07
Posted: 4/25/12, 5:37 PM
Mine is 1377806 I have been playing EQ for 13 yrs, but my Magelo account in 02 or 03