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We have pushed some exciting features over the week-end so let's unpack what's new and what has changed.

Inventory tool

Probably the most significant update is that we are now syncing pretty much all the possible areas where you can store items you own. The inventory tool can now give you a complete picture of all the items you have, making it easy to find anything you want very quickly.
  • Inventory
  • Bank
  • Shared Bank
  • Real Estate [BACK]
  • Mercenary [NEW]
  • Dragon's Hoard [NEW]
  • Tradeskill Depot [NEW]

Keep in mind that in order to update the Dragon's Hoard and Tradeskill items, you need to open the corresponding window in the game before you sync.

We also replaced the mosaic character tab, which was not very useful anymore, with a tab to check the location of all your platinum. We are now also syncing your loyalty tokens (crowns) and you will find them in the alternate currencies tab like in game.

You may have noticed in the screenshot above the blue tag saying PRIMARY which brings us to our next update.

Game accounts management

With the introduction many years ago to the free to play model, it's not rare for players to own many game accounts and it can become quite the challenge to remember on which account is which character.

To help you with this, you can now label your associated game accounts and assign them a color. This is being used across many tools to quickly help you locate your characters. Additionally, you can now filter them by game account.

You can set your game account label and color in the identity card section of a given character once you click its edit link:

That's it for today, more things are in the pipeline. Don't forget that most of what we do is driven by your feedbacks so don't hesitate to post your ideas and vote for them in our suggestions forum.

– The Magelo team

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