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Bugs Author Views Replies Last post
Character titles
Nissassa 5015 9 10/7/13, 1:38 PM
By Jelan 
Magelo sync not syncing. payment processing time?
Tugarol 4769 2 10/1/13, 9:27 PM
By Tugarol 
Character not syncing
SalukiFizz 5735 12 10/1/13, 9:19 PM
By Jelan 
System error
tylermbooker 4737 1 10/1/13, 9:10 PM
By Jelan 
will not sync any characters on my Account
Puemwolb 5480 11 9/30/13, 1:14 PM
By Buddi 
Not syning
Mezzenya 6077 1 9/29/13, 1:41 AM
By Jelan 
Premium account
Leadina 4948 8 9/28/13, 10:41 AM
By Leadina 
Just paid for Premium..
Smokezz 4727 2 9/28/13, 9:15 AM
By Smokezz 
Permium Account paid for but not active
pfedor2700 4768 1 9/28/13, 4:17 AM
By Jelan 
Character recognized, but unable to sync
atheris 4814 3 9/27/13, 9:41 PM
By atheris 
Synched last night, now profile is unavailable
Arylle 5162 4 9/27/13, 5:35 AM
By Jelan 
Profile unavailable
Igniz 5223 3 9/27/13, 5:34 AM
By Jelan 
Everquest AA's
ncskywarn 8648 17 9/25/13, 2:49 PM
By Jelan 
Missing Archetype AA"s and AA list way below Bards Number
kreenbard 4837 2 9/21/13, 11:04 PM
By Jelan 
Getting An Error Viewing Profile After Sync
Fumarin 4596 3 9/21/13, 11:03 PM
By Jelan