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Messages in topic: The Buried Sea update
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 3/12/03
Posted: 2/25/07, 3:14 PM

Bravo! Your mum help you write all that! You really have wasted your hard earned $24, do the math and see how much that it as a daily rate. Your point is whine whine whine whoine, it's been 2 days and I pay a pittance a day so I can whine like a little pig about it! Grow up and either shut up or if so bad update manually, IF you are able!
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 3/12/03
Posted: 2/25/07, 3:16 PM

Bravo bungler! Your mum help you write all that! You really have wasted your hard earned $24, do the math and see how much that it as a daily rate. Your point is whine whine whine whoine, it's been 2 days and I pay a pittance a day so I can whine like a little pig about it! Grow up and either shut up or if so bad update manually, IF you are able!
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 4/16/02
Posted: 2/25/07, 3:50 PM

I wonder has anyone even thought just how much information has to be updated and adjusted not only to the magelo update program but to the site itself. It took Sony on eqplayers well over 2 months when they increased the level to 75 to even show the levels. Magelo update was completed, albeit with some errors while running a beta version that is now the norm. I feel for the cost of the service I get what I paid for.

As for the update itself, look at your everquest inventory screen, check your guild screen, fellowship screens, new spells items etc. These pictures aren't just pulled from thin air by the programmers. Just finding the data files and layout of the information is just the beginning. They also need to reprogram the display link to mimic what you look at in your inventory and bank view while still including other factors like fellowships and I am sure countless other things.

Just remember how fast we are getting new expansions. Sony is trying to out do the competition by sheer mass of data overload.

Life is a roller coaster, you go up, you come down, speed up, and slow down, and then it ends.
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 3/12/03
Posted: 2/25/07, 3:54 PM

Oh bungler, I drive a Jag btw and I've just worked out a teaspoon of fuel costs more than a day of Magelo, obviously a big deal to you, but hey, some free advice, instead of paying 3.5p a day how about your fill your phat mouth with some penny sweets instead ok, girls will like you better with your (you think) smart gob shut ;o)
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 2/19/07
Posted: 2/25/07, 4:03 PM

I have to agree, that in the business world, you cannot give ETAs that you have no control over (IE SOE patches again, and necessitates more work to MU). If this was updated everyday saying "Hey guys, SOE patched again, they screwed us with this, this, this, and this, OK we got the first two things fixed, but now discovered another problem" It would be a lot less hectic. People expect promptness, but I believe respect some sort of update, just to say hey guys, we haven't forgotten about you we are working as hard as possible, but there is a lot of work to do.

I am not complaining, per se' about the updates, as I understand the work at hand, however, I saw the update on the 19th, saw it should be up and running the next day, so I purchased the premium service, expecting sometime within the next 48 hours that it should be working. Its now been one week, and that is extremely frustrating. Having to check out the homepage to see if it was finally fixed, just to find out nothing has happened, and people are becoming extremely agitated.

I hope it is up soon, as I'd love to be able to get started using the service.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 3/9/04
Posted: 2/25/07, 5:15 PM

It is really quite simple if you don't like the service go try another. I have tried both EQ players and Magelo and am still with Magelo. I suggest a forum for those who wish to complain or bash others to go to so the rest of us don't have to sort through the childish comments and rude insults to get the information we are looking for.

Do I like the downtimes? No more than I like the patch of the patch of the patch days in EQ. But I am intelligent enough to realize that each of those patches holds up Magelo being up and working right. Your chars will be updated when it is up. It is not like everyone is going to judge you or be overly impressed by the 50hp 10AC upgrade you have received since Magelo has been down. If that is going to keep one out of a guild or raid team then they probably don't meet the requirements anyway.

Hopefully Magelo will be up soon so I can go stare at my character stats and my new trinkets... LOL

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 2/25/07, 5:57 PM

The topic is starting to deteriorate; I'm seeing things written that verge on personal attacks.

Please refrain from using personal attacks on others around the forums, as they will do no good anyway.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 2/25/07, 6:09 PM

welllll, i sincerely hope those doing the actual coding are working as hard at fixing the update to magelo as some here are at defending the lack of results.
my apologies to the reasonable posters here for bantering.

Nbr post: 11397
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/26/07, 4:30 AM

Yes believe me, we are working more than 10 hours / day, pretty much 7 days a week... Don't wonder why i am so quiet on the boards, it's only because i am working hard to patch Magelo Update asap.

As it has been pointed above, an expansion is not just yet another patch, it's a different beast all together and this one, was a bit messy as highlighted by Desideratus.

As for an update, you should be pleased to known that we are almost done, we have only one task left that should be fixed today then we will patch (2 hours downtime at most).

At this point, we will not handle the power source yet, it will displayed in the profile but it will have no impact on the other items.

I will keep you posted today (02/26).
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 9/26/06
Posted: 2/26/07, 5:09 AM

Thanks Jelan, all the work you folks are putting into getting this fixed is very much appreciated. It has been frustrating, but I can only imagine how frustrating it is from your end. Keep up the good work.
Registered User

Nbr post: 247
Register: 10/13/02
Posted: 2/26/07, 6:31 AM

Looking forward to seeing MU up and running again.

There is one thing though: during this past two weeks, it's not just been character-synch that's been down... the part of MU that gathers info on mobs and items has also been down.

Is there no way to separate out the two functions? ie, mob/item data gathering comes back on line after (say) 24 hours even whilst character synch stays down?


Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 2/26/07, 6:34 AM

Not sure if that is possible. Magelo Update reads the memory blob created by EverQuest and interprets the data it finds, based on offsets and whatmore. I am not sure if the mob data gathering is easier to do than the blob about character info.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 8/28/06
Posted: 2/26/07, 1:31 PM

Appreaciate all you guys do to keep this place up and running.