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Bugs Author Views Replies Last post
Posting naked stats in hopes that it helps fix displayed AC
Terminat 5724 5 1/8/12, 12:35 PM
By Jelan 
Incorrect HP/AC by a BIG amount
navi7512 5369 4 1/8/12, 12:33 PM
By Jelan 
AC gap increased by 200.
jerica2 5390 2 1/8/12, 12:30 PM
By Jelan 
Magelo is not correct stat wise
drarinu 7208 10 1/8/12, 12:29 PM
By Jelan 
Magelo profile stats are not correct
tekknolai 7067 8 1/8/12, 12:20 PM
By Jelan 
AC not matching up from in game to Magelo
KillerKul 7510 7 1/8/12, 12:16 PM
By Jelan 
Sync works, but profile URL still shows old gear
nbakwe 5378 3 1/8/12, 12:04 PM
By Jelan 
verified with multiple bic augs in powersource slots?
Altreal1 5964 6 1/4/12, 1:21 PM
By Jelan 
Multiple Guilds
Drazzminius 5187 2 1/3/12, 11:48 AM
By Jelan 
New account creation / Sync but no Profile created
Briannon 5385 3 1/3/12, 2:41 AM
By loulina 
General Sturdiness AA is off
Mojoslinger 5856 2 1/2/12, 10:05 PM
By Jelan 
Misc Calc in HP/AC
yeags777 6722 6 12/29/11, 12:12 PM
By yeags777 
Magelo not updating (EQ)
madman143 5913 6 12/29/11, 2:40 AM
By PPalis 
Magelo Sync not showing current gear
NnewgKahnzerson 5643 6 12/6/11, 10:34 PM
By NnewgKahnzerson 
character not detected
Kilerian 5001 4 11/28/11, 10:27 AM
By Jelan