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Bugs Author Views Replies Last post
No icon for Item: Mooncape
Deillusional 5419 3 1/21/12, 4:40 AM
By Jelan 
Uploading Music for use in Profile - Issue
Genadine 4960 4 1/18/12, 8:43 PM
By Genadine 
problem wasnt solved
Metal0123 5878 7 1/14/12, 1:51 AM
By Jelan 
Some gear from new expansion not showing a picture on profil
Carnon 5518 10 1/11/12, 8:20 AM
By Jelan 
Skill Changes in Live
Introit 5146 1 1/8/12, 12:55 PM
By Jelan 
AA value bug
Nilrem 5143 3 1/8/12, 12:42 PM
By Jelan 
Don't have enough character slots
Angelheals 5094 2 1/8/12, 12:41 PM
By Jelan 
Character stats wrong
rimdal 5776 3 1/8/12, 12:38 PM
By Jelan 
Seltan, Blade of Beloth has no icon
Twiggetts 5813 2 1/8/12, 12:38 PM
By Jelan 
Incorrect HP value on profile
jerica2 5215 2 1/8/12, 12:37 PM
By Jelan 
Ammo slot stats
Axxius 5371 2 1/8/12, 12:36 PM
By Jelan 
Posting naked stats in hopes that it helps fix displayed AC
Terminat 5684 5 1/8/12, 12:35 PM
By Jelan 
Incorrect HP/AC by a BIG amount
navi7512 5324 4 1/8/12, 12:33 PM
By Jelan 
AC gap increased by 200.
jerica2 5335 2 1/8/12, 12:30 PM
By Jelan 
Magelo is not correct stat wise
drarinu 7141 10 1/8/12, 12:29 PM
By Jelan