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Bugs Author Views Replies Last post
Sync Button Not Showing
zav69 4344 3 4/28/17, 12:51 PM
By Jelan 
Broke ??????????
drcoracle 4695 3 3/21/17, 3:14 AM
By Jelan 
Innate Spell Resistance AA not showing up after sync
sdoofbuc 5466 12 3/20/17, 11:08 PM
By Jelan 
Sync says I have no available character slots.
Jiig 4580 2 3/8/17, 9:12 AM
By Jelan 
Sync Not Working Not detecting characters
drcoracle 4367 3 2/18/17, 11:37 PM
By Jelan 
Sync works for one character, but not the other
neckpain101 6307 7 2/16/17, 9:00 AM
By Paloverde 
Real Estate inventory is missing
IreniaTheSK 4429 2 2/9/17, 1:29 AM
By Jelan 
Sync Not working Correctly
Gary5546 4799 8 2/9/17, 1:29 AM
By Jelan 
Only visible gear showing after sync
Shelda 5158 14 2/8/17, 11:32 PM
By Mabbu 
no syn eq patched
Kiillz 6297 1 2/8/17, 5:17 AM
By Jelan 
Cannot Buy Additional Game Slots
Qnyin 4219 2 2/8/17, 5:16 AM
By Jelan 
Eok maps
Tobynn 4463 2 2/8/17, 5:14 AM
By Jelan 
Missing gear....AGAIN
Kiillz 5750 1 2/8/17, 4:51 AM
By Jelan 
My Inventory Not Reporting Houses
GoldenFrog2 4472 4 2/8/17, 4:50 AM
By Jelan 
Unable to launch...
gms462 4720 9 1/30/17, 11:48 PM
By Jelan