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Messages in topic: $24.95???
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 9/24/05
Posted: 11/11/06, 4:05 PM

150% increase in the subscription? What the hell??? Take down the old site during Beta, numerous bugs during Beta, from what I'm reading there are STILL problems and all this is worthy of a 150% increase in a subscription? $14.95 maybe, no way in hell I'm paying that much. Not worth it in my opinion. I'm sure many will disagree, but from what I've seen in guild chat, you are going to lose a lot of customers for increasing it that much.
Registered User

Nbr post: 15
Register: 2/15/02
Posted: 11/11/06, 6:46 PM

Well it is about time you started making the subscription rate a reasonable amount. I felt like I was cheating your before.

When my current subscription runs out, you can be sure I will be ready to pay the current rate, and gladly. It is easily the best value in the game.

thanks for all your efforts to accomodate the players requests and desires in a timely and competent fashion.

Sympatroniqe Findelamort
Cleric of Tunare

Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 9/24/05
Posted: 11/11/06, 11:02 PM

150% increase overnight is a good value? Let's take a look at this. Gasoline here is $2.28 per gallon today in town. Would it be a good value tomorrow at $5.70 per gallon? Just bought some ink for my printer at $18.00. Would it be a good value tomorrow at $45.00 per cartridge? Magelo from $10 to $25 is bull. You want to let him gouge you, more power to you. From what I have seen of this site the last 6 months, it's not worth it to me. I'm willing to bet they see their subscription numbers drop a lot. Can count 5 on our guild boards that have commented on it and said they won't be paying.

By the way Kil...better watch out, if these guys stop walking too fast, your head is gonna go clear up there arses. My god, could you suck up any harder? haha
Registered User

Nbr post: 111
Register: 10/22/03
Posted: 11/12/06, 12:05 AM

It's a NEW site, it's a brand new code..

EQplayers takes the same amount of money, for less..

Feel cheated? Try EQplayers..

"Awww.. but but.. I used to pay NOTHING for Jelan's HARD work!, now I feel cheated!"

Pay the new fee or.. STFU!

Jartaxel Daerthe
Raging Fury
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/29/04
Posted: 11/12/06, 9:34 AM

Aye, $25 for magelo is crazy, and I centainly wont be renewing my subscription that ran out last month. Nothing here I use worth that much, and I can see rankings info for free on EQPlayers. I guess I never was one that used magelo that much tho really.
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 12/28/02
Posted: 11/12/06, 11:19 AM

I'm in an long time EQ guild, i.e. dedicated players. Response on the thread about the price of premium Magelo is – it's too high. They're not going to pay it.
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 3/28/03
Posted: 11/12/06, 12:50 PM

Yikes, i didn't even look at the cost yet. That is a bit high, the game doesn't even cost that much to play a month. Comin from a struggling college student programmer, there's no way i'd pay that. But hell, can i pay in debugging/coding

Registered User

Nbr post: 98
Register: 11/12/01
Posted: 11/12/06, 1:04 PM

Umm, your eq subscription is less than 2 dollars a month? Magelo is 25 for a year, not a month.

[Nilbus Oberlovyn|http:\\eq.magelo.com\profile\246758]
Master Tinkerer and Primal Elementalist - Tunare
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 3/28/03
Posted: 11/12/06, 1:21 PM

Oy, just noticed i read wrong, nobody was suppose to notice.

Registered User

Nbr post: 27
Register: 10/18/01
Posted: 11/12/06, 2:31 PM

I would gladly pay it. It's still damn cheap for a whole year of service, it's the best EQ profiler out there. I don't play EQ anymore, but it will work for WoW soon (hopefully soon...).

If it's not worth it to you, don't pay. But 12 dollars was a joke, 25 bucks is reasonable.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 11/12/06, 6:03 PM

Magelo's Premium fee has been 12$ a year ever since it was put in place. I don't exactly remember how long that has been ... was that back in 2002? I don't know, but I do know that numerous people told us over the years on the forums that we should raise the Premium fee.

I realise that not everyone is going to be able to afford it, for various reasons. It's unfortunate, but a raise in fee was a necessary evil. We can argue about the leap in Premium fee until the cows come home, but ultimately, setting the right fee is the most beneficial situation for Jelan. If he raises it too high, he loses too many customers and the net gain drops ... if he keeps it too low, the amount of Premium customers also yield a low net gain. I guess the current jump was somewhat unfortunate, that we should have raised it gradually over the years ... but well, that's talking about things that have taken their course.

Finding the right "sweet spot" is tricky. We'll have to see how this works out, and if there will be other fee options (like paying a reduced fee for additional games, or having a reduced fee for just a single game, etc ...). Time will tell.
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 2/21/05
Posted: 11/12/06, 11:21 PM

The problem is that you raised the fee and at the same time limited the number of characters that you can sync. I was paying $12 a year to sync 6 accounts. Now I have to pay $50. That's outrageous and you should be ashamed for comitting this bait and switch. You want to raise the price to $25, fine, but let me sync my 6 accounts for that $25.

I used to tell guildies that getting Magelo premium was the best money they could spend. Now I tell them not to. Was raising the price and cutting the slots worth it? You'll find out in the long run. I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass.


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/12/06, 11:43 PM

Falconii said:
was paying $12 a year to sync 6 accounts.

I dont know where you found those 6 accounts. It always has been 3 accounts unless you bought some extra slots, something i checked you did not.

The number of characters you can sync it still unlimited granted they are tied to the same 3 game slots however, it seems that there is a bug at the moment with Magelo Update, check our bug forum for update.
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 2/21/05
Posted: 11/13/06, 2:25 AM

I'm not sure what to tell you. I have 6 EQ accounts and have always been able to sync them from my one Magelo Premium subscription.
Registered User

Nbr post: 66
Register: 12/23/02
Posted: 11/13/06, 12:20 PM

For $12.00 a year we got auto synching, authentic seal, and access to the item searches in the Old Magelo. If you wanted EQ rankings to auto synch you from magelo then you paid the EQR ppl a one time fee of $3-4(the longer you had paid for it the less it added up to per year). I forget if EQR ppl had subscription options for advanced rankings searches or not. Old Magelo didn't have any real guild based content that I recall other than just listing your guild's name under your character. So for $12.00 a year and change( the EQrankings stuff is the change) we had access to our profiles, auto synching, authentic seal, and basic searches on EQ rankings (level, class, server, AA, Stats. For a little more you could pay for guild stuff on EQrankings if you wanted to Manage your guild there. That is the same as 1 and a half of the services offered by SOE (see below). I'm saying keep that price for those features.

For the extra $12.95 you would include your advanced Rankings/Leaderboard searches, advanced Guild management tools and page, and so on. These EXTRA features might be worth the extra $13 for those people who would actually use them.

It is pure stupidity to try to force me to pay for features that I will never use, especially when I would happily continue paying the price I always have to have access to only those features that I have always had, primarily Autosynching, Authentic Seal, search item/spells, and having my guild name and rank being listed. While having another tier to the pricing scheme that adds the new extras for those who want to have everything.

What Magelo should do is:

Free user = Same as is now.
Classic user = $12/year, includes autosynching, authentic seal, item/spell searches, and as much use of the ranking and guild features as a free user does.
Premiere user = $24.95/year, includes Everything.

What EQplayers gives:

EverQuest Premium Features. The following four (4) premium features may each be purchased individually for US$0.99 per month or purchase all four (4) as a complete package for US$2.99 per month (plus taxes, if applicable):

1. Advanced Character Profiles. (Same as old Magelo, though everyone gets autosynching free)

2. Advanced Rankings & Leaderboards. (Similiar to old EQrankings, New Magelo is going to be closer to this once it's all there.)

3. Advanced Game Data. (Item/spell database and character-specific Flag/Keyring database. Items are automatically released to be searched by players once they are seen in game. Magelo has to have a person using MU see the item for it to be added to the database. Since flag/keyring data is kept server side only and not in the EQ client it is impossible for Magelo to auto-synch this info.)

4. Enhanced Image Gallery. (Not offered by Magelo, don't really think could be offered in the same way anyway, but I'm not sure as I never used it.)